So here I sit with my blank sheet of virtual paper! Friday. Blog day.  And the question, what to write about?  I met with a good friend yesterday and was telling her that, generally, I try not to plan what to write about but rather wait and see what comes through my fingers!  So that is quite a curious process in itself. 

Today there is nothing.  

So perhaps what needs to be said is that sometimes silence rules!  Sometimes words are not needed. Nothing needs to be said.

One of the things we are learning on my transpersonal coaching course is the value of silence……….. of the empty space………of creating space around thought, of being with someone in a shared silence. Space.   Many people do not have any kind of ‘off’ button for their thoughts and life can be frantic. Thoughts arise and they seem to compel the person to engage with them. What many forms of meditation teach is not to try and stop thoughts but to be able to observe them without necessarily engaging with them. Perhaps a better analogy rather than an 'off' button is to have a 'volume control'!   Being able to step back from thoughts and see them for what they are can be a great liberation. 

So perhaps today I am opting out of writing.  The suggestion is that you spend the five minutes you might have spent reading this blog just being with the silence.  See what it might whisper to you!


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